Indu Arora

/Indu Arora
Indu Arora

About Indu Arora

Indu Arora is an Ayurvedic Clinician & Yoga Therapist, E-RYT 500. As a Teacher & Director of Yogsadhna, she is the author of Mudra: The Sacred Secret.

Her mission is to share the yogic and Ayurvedic wisdom, which brings simplicity to our complex lives.

For more information, visit her website.
  • Using Mudras in Cancer Recovery

Using Mudras in Cancer Recovery

An Interview by Marianne Woods Cirone, MS, MFA, CYT-500 with Indu Arora, Ayurvedic clinician and yoga therapist, E-RYT 500, and author of Mudra: The Sacred Secret...