For Yoga Teachers
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The word “yoga” typically evokes an image of the postures and movements associated with hatha yoga, a branch of yoga study. Although we may know yoga today in the West mainly by the physical postures called asanas, yoga is actually an umbrella term for a vast set of practices and philosophies. Yoga includes paths of devotion, study and service, as well as hatha yoga, which consists primarily of the physical postures and practices that we are most familiar with in the West…
Yoga as a “therapy” is becoming more widely promoted and even mainstream medical publications are featuring randomized, controlled trials on the benefits of yoga for patient populations…
Yoga therapy is a field with tremendous growth and potential in supporting health and wellness, particularly in the area of cancer…
Part 1 of Lee Majewski’s 2 Part Article on how Yoga Therapy Retreats Empower Patients after a Cancer Diagnosis…