According to the American Academy of Dermatology, cancer patients consider the skin issues that they experience after cancer treatment to be the worst of all of their side effects. And sadly, using improper techniques or products can make these conditions even worse. As we have often stated at the Integrative Cancer Review, the importance of proper skin care protocols and products after cancer treatment cannot be overstated.
Consequently, we are very happy to share this interview with industry leader, Becky Kuehn, the founder of the highly regarded Oncology Spa Solutions® training programs for skin care and spa professionals.
Becky, how did you get started working in oncology-focused skin care?
The start for me came after going through cancer myself, 40 years ago. I will never forget the day I received the call from my doctor – the overwhelming sense of fear and uncertainty about the future. A cancer diagnosis changes a person forever, and fortunately, I found solace in God and my favorite scripture, Philippians 4:13: I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me, in order for me to get through this part of my life’s journey.
I was an esthetician at the time, and I started volunteering with the many lovely ladies in the Look Good, Feel Better program at the American Cancer Society in my local hospital. I loved their strength, courage and willingness to help each other as they traveled the cancer journey together. Next, I asked the Women’s Breast Center Manager if I could have a room in her location. We wanted to offer complimentary skincare services for the patients as they experienced the new and challenging skin conditions related to their medication, treatment and stress.That was eight years ago and we are still going strong, adding more services (we now also offer complimentary wigs, massage, acupuncture) and another location.

Becky’s experience of working with and directing hospital programs, continues to feed her work’s passion in bringing compassion, knowledge, and validation of what the patient is experiencing that is so heartfelt apparent in everything she does.
She can be contacted at Oncology Spa Solutions®.
Why did you start Oncology Spa Solutions®?
My goal and passion for this training really started decades ago, but came into full, clear view when I met a client in 2011 that had stage 4 renal (kidney) cancer. He shared with me that his only JOY in life now was his weekly spa treatment. You see, he was at the end of his life with the hospice bed ordered and he was not offered any options for treatment. When his spa therapist found out he had cancer (oh yes, they will come to you and NOT share this important detail), the therapist (who was not trained in oncology-focused services) did not feel confident in treating him any longer and told him that he could no longer come in.
As he shared this with me, tears rolled down his face. I will never forget that moment. This was heartbreaking because it never should have happened. A therapist with proper training could have confidently cared for this man and given him joy for the rest of his life. You can see a video of another client story here.
What should estheticians and people diagnosed with cancer know about skin care after a cancer diagnosis and treatment?
First of all – EVERYTHING has changed. After cancer treatment, the patients’ skin will respond to products, scents and ingredients differently. Things that they could use before, they may no longer be able to tolerate without burning or sensitivity. Surgery, anti-cancer drug therapy and radiation therapy affect the DNA of skin cells; changing the way they grow, divide and function, potentially resulting in an array of negative side effects including red, tender skin, extreme dryness (xerosis), eczema and psoriasis flare-ups, cracks, rashes or blisters, scars and scar tissue, itching, peeling, dark or red patches/spots, acne, hair loss and a variety of issues with nails.
The products that these cancer patients and survivors could use before their treatment might not work the same now, and may even cause a reaction and sensitivity. We educate the service providers on guidelines for safe treatment of their clients, and we also educate the clients on how to care for their new skin conditions.
There is a huge need for education about the potentially harmful ingredients in so many products today. We are fortunate to work with our Mission Partners, who are very special industry leaders that understand and agree with the mission and vision of Oncology Spa Solutions®. The Mission Partners offer product and/or information and support for those experiencing cancer, and each play an important role in the education and success of this training. Each Mission Partner has approved products within their lines that are free from harmful chemicals, toxins and fragrance. They understand that the client going through cancer and cancer treatments will need to use different products to support their special skin changes, new needs and compromised immune systems. They also supply the students with product information and samples to help them make safe choices when working with cancer patients and survivors.
Can you describe Oncology Spa Solutions® and your training programs?
This inspirational training started in the US in 2013, and has changed the lives of over 2300 students — and many clients. The success of the Oncology Spa Solutions® training confirms that we as human beings have a desire to CARE for others and just need the right education to feel CONFIDENT in serving and caring for those that need us the MOST.
Our goal is to prepare all spa professionals to safely and compassionately care for clients with cancer. We offer education, understanding and love to change the way we look at, and care for, our clients living with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. We provide a variety of different training programs, ranging from the Essentials Basic Course to other advanced and specialized classes in oncology-focused esthetics.
In the Oncology Spa Solutions® training, I share the life lessons learned throughout my personal cancer experience along with the many lovely clients I have been blessed to meet. We teach a fresh new way of using our talents and gifts as spa professionals to care for those that are facing the uncertainty of life.
Can you tell us some ways that your oncology-trained estheticians offer services below market cost to cancer patients and survivors?
That’s a good question that can be answered differently, depending on the individual and his/her plans and goals. Some of the Oncology Spa Solutions® graduates are now working within hospitals, cancer centers and/or receiving doctor referrals. Some of our grads have started nonprofit organizations and do fundraisers so they can afford to offer complimentary services. Others are simply and wonderfully “blooming where they grow” — caring for clients with cancer within their current businesses, incorporating oncology-focused skin care services at a substantial discount off their normal prices. Some volunteer at local hospitals, providing services or educational classes on products, ingredients or skincare at no cost. Still others volunteer for American Cancer Society (ACS) as part of the Look Good, Feel Better program, and others offer one or two days a month complimentary services within their business for oncology clients. So you see, it can be done many different ways.
Can you share any stories of how your trainees’ lives were impacted by taking your Oncology Spa Solutions® training?
So many of our students express how the training has touched their heart and changed their lives. Many students tell me they have a new excitement about their “old” career — that the training gave them a new sense of direction, getting them excited and back on track with a passion. (You can also check the testimonial page on the website).
It’s rewarding and beneficial to have training to know how to help in this very special time of need. People all over seem to be catching or re-finding the “caring” mode. I know that it’s the reason that spa and medical professionals choose their careers in the first place; they care about helping people. Somehow we got lost, but we are finding the way back to our place in the world.
To find out more about Oncology Spa Solutions® or to find an oncology-trained esthetician, see the Oncology Spa Solutions® website, or see the Oncology Spa Solutions® Facebook page.