Mark Rosenburg

/Mark Rosenburg, MD
Mark Rosenburg, MD

About Mark Rosenburg, MD

Dr. Mark Rosenberg is the Founder of The Healthy Living Group in the Miami/Fort Lauderdale, Florida area. The Healthy Living Group is focused on Integrative Cancer Management as well as Healthy Aging. He is the President of Integrative Cancer Therapeutics in Boca Raton, Florida.

Dr. Rosenburg received his doctorate from Georgetown University School of Medicine in 1988 and has been involved with drug research since 1991. With numerous certifications in several different fields of medicine, psychology and fitness, Dr. Rosenberg has a wide breadth of experience in both the public and private sector with particular expertise in the mechanisms of cancer treatment failure.

Dr. Rosenberg is an innovator, constantly developing new ideas, techniques, and drugs to combat incurable diseases, even if it means traveling to foreign countries to do his research. He is a major international player in anti-aging and disease prevention. He is one of the world’s most foremost scientists on cancer prevention, and is the Chair of the International Anti-Aging Association.

Dr. Rosenburg can be contacted at and followed on Facebook.
  • Developing a Clinical Practice in Integrative Oncology with Mark Rosenburg, MD

Developing a Clinical Practice in Integrative Oncology with Mark Rosenburg, M.D.

My own experience with integrative cancer therapies began on a very personal level. After attending medical school at Georgetown University, and doing my residency at the University of Pennsylvania, I started my career as an ER doctor, becoming the Director of a local ER department. Shortly afterward, my mother was admitted to my emergency room with pain and weakness. Sadly, I diagnosed my own mother with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer...