Bone Health, Exercise and Yoga after a Cancer Diagnosis: How to Minimize Risk of Injury

Bone Health, Exercise and Yoga after a Cancer Diagnosis: How to Minimize Risk of Injury

This article covers:

  1. How Prevalent are Bone Loss Conditions?
  2. What People with Bone Loss Need to Know about Exercise and Yoga
  3. Spinal Flexion and Vertebral Fractures
  4. Can Yoga Benefit Bones?
  5. Modifying or Avoiding Forward Bends
  6. What is the Evidence Regarding Yoga and Osteoporosis?
  7. Can Poor Posture Lead to Fracture Risk?
  8. Safe Alignment in Forward Bends
  9. Safer Alternatives to Seated Forward Bends
  10. Risk vs. Reward in Yoga and Exercise