Yoga & Meditation – Books

The Relaxation Response

As we have become a society which, for the most part, lives on stress, our gas pedals can get stuck “on,” with the “brake pedals” having little ability to engage when needed. As a result, we live in a state of overstimulation. The chemicals produced when we are in this state of sympathetic dominance can help our bodies to respond to an extreme emergency, but can be damaging if they are constantly being produced.

Yoga and meditation are two tools that science shows have the ability to create this shift in the nervous system…

Timeless Healing

As we have become a society which, for the most part, lives on stress, our gas pedals can get stuck “on,” with the “brake pedals” having little ability to engage when needed. As a result, we live in a state of overstimulation. The chemicals produced when we are in this state of sympathetic dominance can help our bodies to respond to an extreme emergency, but can be damaging if they are constantly being produced.

Yoga and meditation are two tools that science shows have the ability to create this shift in the nervous system…

Yoga Nidra

by Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Yoga Nidra: The Meditative Heart of Yoga

Book & CD by Richard Miller

Yoga Therapy as a Whole-Person Approach to Health

Yoga therapy is a field with tremendous growth and potential in supporting health and wellness, particularly in the area of cancer…

You Go Girl…but only when you want to!

by Missy Lavender and Dorothy Smith